We are making our door for Mouse and the Motorcycle. We did our test today for Mental Addition. My potato eyes popped off during Show and Tell.
by Rachael
Monday, December 19, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Today's Blogger Notes
We finished our sloppy copy for our maps. We also learned about story beginnings. We read Whitehouse Whiteout for reading. Next Thursday is Christmas break.
By Gabriel
By Gabriel
We Learned about Maps
David shared his Bulletin Board. We started making our maps. We had a substitute teacher. Her name was Mrs. VanderVeen.
By Karen
By Karen
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
What We Did Today
We learned about maps again. We learned how to put a map key on a map and how to draw symbols for the map. We practiced making three different maps today. We watched the movie Santa Clause 3 in Music. We read books on a website called wegivebooks.org.
By Kaleigh
By Kaleigh
Monday, December 12, 2011
Winter is Coming!
We learned about long vowels in one of our small groups. A short bell rang without an announcement. It was funny. On the 22nd is when the season is going to be changing to winter.
by Harley
by Harley
Friday, December 9, 2011
What We Did Today
We went to the Care Center to read to people. We watched a video of Santa Clause 2 in Music class and it was fun.
By Angel
By Angel
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Important News
Today we learned about maps. Today we did story starters. On Monday we have a 2 hour late start. Today Mr. Johnson told us to put smiley faces on play-dough. Tomorrow we are going to the Care Center. Today in Music we had popcorn! Today we went to Mrs. Schlickbernd's class to make snowflakes.
By Destiny
By Destiny
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
What We Learned About
Today we had to make our own maps. We had to put keys on them. Angel is our Student of the Week.
By David
By David
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
A Cool Day at School
In the morning we did Calendar. Kaleigh did it. Today we also did our Christmas Program practice. We didn't get to go outside. It was below zero. For Math we learned about tens and ones and how to make the next ten.
By Lauren
By Lauren
What We Did Today
We practiced doing our Christmas Concert songs. We learned about tens. If you have a number like 22, and you add it to something like 50, it will just go up by five tens. Then you can add the 2. Our Christmas Concert is Tuesday night.
By Brooklyn
By Brooklyn
Friday, December 2, 2011
What We Learned About
We worked on our gift writing for Christmas for Grandmas and Moms and Grandpas and dads to see at the concert. We went on the computer with Mrs. Youngmeyer and we got a funny game.
By Rachael
By Rachael
Thursday, December 1, 2011
In Math we did a money test. We went to the computer lab and did Listen to Reading. We learned about different states and maps.
By Dalton
By Dalton
Listen to Reading Site
Today I put a link on my homepage that will link you to our Listen to Reading site that we use at times when we go to the computer lab. The link is just below the soon to be completed biographical information. You can find my homepage here.
Your children know most of the sites, and I'll try adding more as I come across them. Please feel free to pass along any sites that you know of as well!
Mr. Johnson
Your children know most of the sites, and I'll try adding more as I come across them. Please feel free to pass along any sites that you know of as well!
Mr. Johnson
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Happy December!
Today in Social Studies we learned about maps. We learned what is on maps and how to read them. Today in Word Study we did something new called "Stair-step Writing" You go up and down like stairs.
By Gabriel
By Gabriel
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Maps and Pictures
Today we learned about maps. We learned about maps and pictures. Pictures have trees and cars and houses and roads. Maps have lines and labels. We have a note about our Music concert next week.
By Karen
By Karen
Monday, November 28, 2011
Things We Did Today
We learned about maps. We answered questions on a piece of paper. We learned what some of the colors on maps mean. We also learned that they have map keys to help you figure out what things are. We read a poem about spaghetti. It made us hungry. We played a money game and we had to grab five coins out of the bag without looking. We counted the money with our partner to see who had the biggest number. We had a sheet of paper we made x's on if we had the bigger number.
By Kaleigh
By Kaleigh
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!
We learned about how the Pilgrims built their houses. We watched a movie. All the birds were dancing. We are going to come back to school on Monday.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Newsletters online
Our November newsletters are now online! You can find them at my school webpage:
If you can't open them, please let me know!
If you can't open them, please let me know!
Mrs. Schlickbernd's class came to show us their sentence karate. It was fun when they showed us the karate. On Wednesday we are going to get out of school at 2:00.
By Angel
By Angel
Progress Reports
Progress reports were sent home with students today. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at school, or email me at bjohnson@esu1.org
I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I'm very thankful for the opportunity to teach your children!
I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I'm very thankful for the opportunity to teach your children!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Funny Things
Mrs. Johnson played hangman with Thanksgiving words with her small group. Today in PE we did relay races. Today Lauren brought Simon Flash and Rachael brought her train name for show and tell. Today we wrote words for our Words to Learn page. Today was the last day of making our inventions.
by Destiny
by Destiny
Friday, November 18, 2011
November 18, 2011
We learned how to build science stuff. Today we worked on our science inventions. Some were big; some were little. Today was Miss Kenyon and Mr. Johansen's last day for teaching us. Important news: On Wednesday, we get out of school early.
by David
by David
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
All week we learned how to do money, we even played a money game! We went to the computer lab to make Thanksgiving cards, it was fun! We kept working on our inventions and started to build them. In spelling we did buddy check.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Wednesday November 16, 2011
We got into groups one with Ms. Kenyon and the other with Mr. Johansen and made timelines about important people. We made a timeline in writing. Something interesting to me was Alexander Graham Bell. And i want to remind everyone to bring pictures for our autobiographies.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
November 15, 2011
We learned about things that will get you somewhere. These are called inventions. Something funny that happened is that I found a funny face in a book about Albert Einstein. It made us laugh. Book orders are due tomorrow. If you want pictures for your autobiography, please bring them to school.
by Rachael
by Rachael
Monday, November 14, 2011
Today we learned about money such as pennies nickels and dimes. In writing we learned that people’s lives can be put into a story and that is called a biography. At recess some of us played soccer.
By: Dalton
Friday, November 11, 2011
Veteran's Day
We had an assembly about Veteran's Day. We had a couple of speeches. Remember the Veterans. It was Buddy Test today. It was fun. Everyone worked hard.
By Gabriel
By Gabriel
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Blogger Notes for Today
We learned how to use an Elmo. The Elmo makes things show up on the SMARTBoard and computer. We learned how to play Magic Number Concentration. There is a big question mark in our classroom because it has nice words to say when you are asking questions. We read The Bald Bandit on the Elmo. Mr. Johnson showed us our Elmo. Soon we will be getting a SMARTtable for our classroom. We are making mind maps about air.
By Kaleigh
By Kaleigh
The News for Today
We learned how to do the actions with our Christmas songs in Music. We had a substitute in the afternoon named Mrs. Gould. Mr. Johnson was at a meeting.
By Harley
By Harley
Friday, November 4, 2011
We learned about windsocks. It looks like a rocket ship. And it has streamers. There is not going to be school on Monday.
By Angel
By Angel
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Helping Mr. Johnson
Today we answered some of our questions about air. We sharpened our pinwheel pencils. We helped Mr. Johnson do homework for his college class. We wrote about making mistakes. We can learn from our mistakes. Today we put words on our word wall. We also wrote some words in our newsletter. Today we sang our songs in Music.
By Destiny
By Destiny
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
The Map
We learned about maps with people from Wayne State College in the new gym. We found where the places were at. The map was huge. We got to walk on it! We played Simon Says on it. We had to try to find countries during the Simon Says game. It was exciting!
There is no school next Monday.
By David
There is no school next Monday.
By David
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Our Day at School
We learned about wind pushing against some crepe paper. We got to go outside. We learned that if there isn't much wind, the crepe paper doesn't move at all. We kept on going to the rug and our desks! We got to do our checklist. It was fun.
By Lauren
By Lauren
Friday, October 28, 2011
Halloween Parade
Today we shared our Air Users. We learned about synonyms. Synonyms are two words that mean the same thing. Mr. Johnson admitted he was wearing a wig. We did our Halloween parade. We went to the Care Center and downtown.
By Brooklyn
By Brooklyn
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Today we finished building our air users. We will share them with the class tomorrow. We wrote a story together. We can bring our costumes to school tomorrow for our parade.
By Rachael
By Rachael
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
In Science we worked on building our Air Users. They have to use air to move, float, or glide. Some of us are making parachutes. Some of us are making planes. Tomorrow is Cowboy Day for Red Ribbon Week.
by Dalton
by Dalton
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
In Math we had a review page. It reviewed tens and ones. On Friday we need to bring our Halloween costumes. Tomorrow we should wear red for Red Ribbon Week. Miss Kenyon read us a book called Michael Recycle and taught us about cause and effect.
By Gabriel
By Gabriel
Monday, October 24, 2011
We learned about drugs today. We should not take drugs. At the assembly today, we watched a dog look for drugs. When Mr. Wulf walked in, he barked at Mr. Wulf. It was funny.
This week is Red Ribbon Week and we need to remember:
Monday (Today) - We brought our stuffed animals.
Tuesday - Wear our Red Braclets
Wednesday - Dress like a Cowboy/Cowgirl
Thursday - Wear a Red Shirt
Friday - Crazy Hair Day
by Karen
This week is Red Ribbon Week and we need to remember:
Monday (Today) - We brought our stuffed animals.
Tuesday - Wear our Red Braclets
Wednesday - Dress like a Cowboy/Cowgirl
Thursday - Wear a Red Shirt
Friday - Crazy Hair Day
by Karen
Friday, October 21, 2011
Numbers and Books
We learned about numbers and number words. An example of a number is 100. An example of a number word is one-hundred. We read Dalton's Student of the Week book. Today we played the Corner Game in Music.
By Destiny
By Destiny
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Funny Things
We learned about nouns today and we listened to a noun song. Nouns are people, places, or things. Mr. Johnson was a sheriff in our Math game. He could take tens or ones or hundreds away if we had more than 10. We had computer lab today. We brought home notes about Red Ribbon Week.
By Kaleigh
By Kaleigh
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
What We Learned About
We made balloon rockets in Science. They went really fast and the air came out of them. The air pushed the bag to the other chair. In Guidance we wrote words about how we cooperated with other people.
By Angel
By Angel
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Our News for Today
Today, we all wrote in our weather journal and our learning logs. We also read a book and finished our tests. We made propellers with straws and tape. Mr. Johnson took a hair dryer and blew our propellers into the air. Also, Dalton is the student of the week.
By Destiny
By Destiny
Friday, October 14, 2011
Grandparent's Day
We read to our Grandparents. We also played Math games. Grandparents helped us do spelling words. My grandma said to write that grandparents don't know how to do iPads. It was a really fun day!
By Lauren
By Lauren
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Our News for Today
We did a test in Math. It was a subtraction test. We practiced reading our books for the people in the Care Center. We will go there tomorrow. We got our identification cards.
By Brooklyn
By Brooklyn
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Today we learned about fire safety from the fire fighters. They said to make sure you have a meeting spot to go to if there is a fire. Don't get your stuffed animals or your games, just get out of the house. The hot air balloons will be here on Friday. We read at the Care Center on Friday, and it's Grandparent's Day!
By Rachael
By Rachael
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Today we made grandparent surprises. We will give them to our grandparents on Friday. In Math we had to find the missing part of a subtraction sentence. We designed our own hot air balloons.
By Dalton
By Dalton
Monday, October 10, 2011
Fun in Science
In Science we made three parachutes in our table groups. We went outside to test them out. They flew away so we had to catch them.
By Gabriel
By Gabriel
Friday, October 7, 2011
We learned about parachutes today. We tried different kinds. We used paper towels, napkins, and tissue paper with strings and paperclips as the people. We dropped them to see if they worked well. It was fun.
By Karen
By Karen
Thursday, October 6, 2011
The Blogging News
We made lists of what we learned about air, and questions we still have about air. Mr. Trenhaille was playing the drums outside with the band. We are going to the Care Center next week to read to people.
By Harley
By Harley
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Today's School News
We learned about bubbles. They were big bubbles. There was air on the inside of the bubbles, and soap and water on the outside. In Guidance we made funny plays. They made us laugh. We did MAP tests today. It was our last one!
By Kaleigh
By Kaleigh
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Wayne State College Clinical Students
We'll have some new faces in our classroom for the next couple months. Two Wayne State College education majors, Miss Kenyon and Mr. Johansen, will be spending some time with us. They are taking part in a "clinical experience" in which they observe the classroom, teach a couple lessons, and then plan and teach an entire week by themselves (with the regular teacher in the room). I always enjoy having these students join us as it allows me to see how our classroom interacts with other teachers. We are excited to have them here!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Newsletters on Website!
Our monthly newsletter is on our school website. You can go to the school's webpage, www.wakefieldschools.org, follow the elementary tag, and click on my name. The link is at the bottom of the page. Your student should also have brought one home today. I hope you enjoy reading about what we've been up to so far this year!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Classroom Expectations
During the first two weeks of school, we came up with some expectations for our class. The students and I talked about what we expected from each other. We wrote down our ideas, sorted them into ideas that were alike, and then wrote them down and signed them. We signed both posters, and we've asked any other teachers who work in our room to sign them as well. Here is what we ended up with:

Students will:
- listen and follow directions
- be resonsible
- have fun
- follow the rules
- use kind words
- be respectful to people and property
- worry about themselves
- keep their body to themselves
- do their best
Teachers will:
- teach students
- help students
- be nice
- listen to others
- check students' work
- give good directions
- read to the class
- be creative
- have fun
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Hi, and welcome to our classroom blog! I hope to use this as a way to communicate information with our families. We will try to update it often.
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