Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Calendar, by Alli

Today Frank was calendar helper.  We did the date.  We did the tens and ones.  We did the money sheet.

Today we have a 2:00 dismissal.  I am proud of Dorothy for helping Isabella when she got hurt.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Math, by Ceilus

Today we did Math.  In groups we played Bump.  In Math we also did a problem of the day.  And in choice time we were trying to finish our November Math Centers.  I hope you enjoy this writing of Ceilus.

On November 26 there is a 2:00 dismissal.  On November 27 and 28 there is no school.  I am proud of Dorothy today because she was helping me, Alli, Frank, Isabella, Maria, and Brynn.

Monday, November 24, 2014

What We Did in School, by Isabella

Andy was calendar helper.  In Math we finished doing a regrouping paper.  In guided reading for first round I did journal, for second round I went with Mrs. Kluthe, for third round I did read to someone with Brynn.  Brynn read Blackout.  In Social Studies we learned about Pilgrims.  The boy and girl Pilgrims wore dresses.

November 26 is a 2:00 dismissal.  I am proud of Frank because he gave me, Alli, Dorothy, Brynn, and Ceilus an idea by throwing leaves on the fence at recess.

11-20-14: Math, by Dorothy

In Math we did groups.  Me and Andy did IXL.  I got 100 on IXL!

No school on November 27 and 28.  I am proud of Alli because she helped me to bring some snow.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Stuff We Did Today, by Isabella

Today Brynn was calendar helper.  Today we read a poetry poem.  The poem was called Thanksgiving.  In Science we learned about living and nonliving.  Today in closing circle the question was what does your family do on Thanksgiving.

No school on November 27 and 28.  I am proud of Brynn because at recess she helped us get snow for the bakery.

11-17-14: What Happened Today, by Timothy

Today's snack is bananas.  We had a 2 hour late start.  We had racquetballs.  We didn't have Math.

Book orders are due tomorrow.  I am proud of Jorge because he let me play with him.

11-18-14: What We Did in School, by Frank

Today Alli is calendar helper.  Today we did Math.  Today we are doing living and nonliving in Science.

Do not forget no school on November 26, 2014.  I am proud of Alli because she let me play with her.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

11-14-14: Things We Did in School, by Jorge

Today we are going to the Care Center and read to the people.  In Morning Meeting we get to share whatever we want.  For snack was cantaloupe.  We are hearing Elizabeht's student of the week book.

The book order is due on 11-18-14.  I am proud of Andy today because he let me play with him.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Things We Did in School Today, by Brynn

We did calendar.  In calendar we did money.  We had P.E.  In P.E. we did fitness day.  We did 3 laps.  Then 15 sit-ups.  Then we had lunch.  At lunch we had sloppy joes.

Remember that the care center is tomorrow.  I am proud of Dorothy because she let Natalie play with us at recess.

11-12-14: Things We Did in School, by Elizabeht

Today in Math we played a game and did centers.  We played with 6th graders.  With the 6th graders we played cards, books, and coloring.

On November 17 there is a late start.  On November 26 we dismiss at 2:00.

I am proud of Alli because she let me play with her cards.

11-11-14: Things We Did In School, by Stephanie

Today in Morning Meeting we had to say stuff about Veteran's Day.  Then we went to the assembly and I saw my Grandpa in the army.  At recess I played with snow!  Mrs. Kluthe was fun!  We went to P.E. and we had Art.  We read a book about Veteran's Day.

Care Center is on November 14.

I am proud of Isabella today because she was nice and let me play with her.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Things We did in School, by Andy

We're learning about regrouping and we're learning about bald eagles and the flag, the Great Seal, and Mount Rushmore.  We had Music today.  We're also sorting toy animals.

No school on November 26 and 27.  I am proud of Timothy and myself and Joaquinn for putting on gloves and a hat.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Things we did in School, by Alli

Today in Morning Meeting we got to share whatever we wanted.  In P.E. we played soccer.  In Word Study we did a test.  Today in Closing Circle it is woo-hoo Friday.

We go to the Care Center on November 14.  I am proud of Isabella today for letting people play with her.

11-3-14: Things We did in School, by Isabella

Brynn was the calendar helper.  Today we have P.E.  In Math we have independent work, meet with teacher, and choice time.  In choices time we do IXL.  Today we have Art.  Today in out loud reading Mr. Johnson read Haunted Castle on Hallows Eve.  

On November 5, 2014 we are going to Fire Safety.

I am proud of Jazmin today because she let me play monster with her today.

10-31-14: Calendar and Music, by Frank

Today Alli was calendar helper.  Today in Music we sang to Elizabeht.

Fire safety on November 5, 2014.

I am proud of Alli because she is good to play with other people.