Tuesday, October 20, 2015

What I Did Today, by Adela

Today Ruben and I did Word Work.  Then Jaden and I read together.  Then I went to Mrs. Schlickbernd's class.  Megan and I read a tarantula book and we learned where they live.  Then we went to recess. Then Mr. Johnson read us a book about Ramona.  Then we went to Mrs. Schlickbernd's class for writing.  Then after writing we did Guidance.

2:00 dismissal on Friday.  No school on October 26.  Book orders due 10-21-15.

I am proud of Erica today because she know how to go on the gliders now.

1 comment:

  1. You did a wonderful job describing your day, Adela! Mrs. Schlickbernd
